Project: reMarkable digital writing tablet, spec project
Challenge: Create brand awareness, convey the value of product features and benefits.
Solution: reMarkable is attempting to bridge the gap between old technologies (paper) and new (digital). Their digital tablet promises a natural, paper-like feel and the ability to handwrite notes and markup to documents, sketch, and perform other manual operations, then capture those notes digitally and share them with other devices.
To remind consumers about the power of written notes and sketches, I evoked the example of Leonardo DaVinci, whose world-famous notebooks were used to capture revolutionary ideas. The implication is that, by using a product that feels like paper, your ideas could be as much art as information, this art will help you communicate more effectively, you will unlock deeper learning, and these benefits will be translated into the digital world.
Design Notes: Vitruvian Man © L. da Vinci, logotype © reMarkable.