Project: Starbucks Guatemala, spec project
Challenge: Market new Guatemala Casi Cielora coffee to Canadians between the age of 25-50 in major cities targeting current yet infrequent customers.
Solution: Starbucks customers are urban, sophisticated, and seek products that bolster that identity. They are not looking to save money on coffee, nor are they concerned with speed of service; they want an immersive, personalized experience that feels exclusive and premium.
To market the new Guatemala Cast Cielora flavour to the identified demographic, I created a campaign evocative of travel posters - a gorgeous landscape of Guatemala is shown with the exotic name featured prominently, followed by some very simple copy: Departures daily. This positions Starbucks’ exclusive and exotic flavours as one element of travel that can be had locally... and regularly. You might not be able to visit Guatemala today, but Guatemala can come to you.
Design Notes: Logo © Starbucks, stock images © Shutterstock.